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Как легко сшить одежду для кота. Раньше, когда люди видели на улице маленькую собачку в курточке, все оборачивались и удивлённо на неё смотрели.
Учимся шить одежду для маленьких собак самостоятельно
On February 21, Clayton and I celebrated five years of marriage! We have shared with you all our story of the challenges we have faced these past five years, and we can both confidently say that we survived those challenges because of our foundation in Christ. Now that we are bringing a new baby into our family, while building our new house, we wanted to build our home based on the same values that we have built our marriage. On the day of our anniversary we hand picked specific bible verses for our new home for each room, wrote them on the walls, and prayed with our family over the home.